Invited speaker:
ABC 12 International Conference on “Bioethics and Community”, September 28 – October, Taipei 2011
Expert Consultation Workshop EC – project “BBMRI”, WP 6, Tolouse, INSERM, Mai 31- 1. June. 2010.
Science and the Worldwide Law-making Process, November 19-20, Milano 2010
II. International Conference of Medical Law, Kadir Has University, Faculty of Law/ Istanbul Bar Association, November 13-14, Istanbul 2009
Chulalongkorn University, CEST, Bangkok, Thailand, Workshop “DNA Analysis in the Context of Biobanking”, January 30 th 2008. “Gene diagnostic, information of storage data and the DNA-banking in the context of the legal and ethical situation in India”
The ever-growing challenge of medical liability: national and European responses, 2-3 June 2008, Council of Europe, Strasbourg.
UNESCO Conference on Ethics of Energy Technologies: Energy Equity and Human Security, Regional Unit in Social and Human Sciences for Asia and the Pacific, UNESCO Bangkok and the Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, 22.09. – 23.09.2008.
International awareness workshop and training course on bioethics education, Arul Anandar College, Karumathur, India, 26–27.09.2008.
International Conference on “BIOETHICS” , Mother Theresa Women University, Koddaikanal, India, 24 to 26.09.2008.
Co-investigator, Asia-Europe Workshop on “Technology and Culture: Genetics and its Social and Ethical Implications in Asia and Europe”, March 16-18, 2007.
ABC 2007, Convenor of the Panel “The Concept of Privacy in Asian and Western Cultures,“ 19.03. – 23.03.2007.
Globalisation and new epidemics: ethics, security and policy making, DG XII, Brussels 22-23.05.2006, New Epidemic and Health: Ethical Issues
8th World congress on Bioethics, Bio-banking and genetic testing: A comparison between European Countries and India, Bejing August 2006
T.N. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, India: The discussion about the German Stem Cell Research, November 2006.
The Legal debate about Stemcell research in Europe, International Seminar on Bio-Ethics, The TN Dr.M.G.R. Medical University/University of Madras, 1 – 2.02. 2005.
Human Biobanks – Trustees and aspects of the current German discussion, (01.01.2005), Loyola College, Chennai (Lecture).
The German Stem Cell Law: Contents and Criticism, The TN Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai (India) (02.02.2005).
Human Biobanks: Comparison of the situation in some European Countries (Manila, University of Diliman, Philippines (28.08.2005).
International Comparisons of Regulation of Biobanks, UNESCO Bangkok Bioethics Roundtable (BBRT1), 11 – 16.09.2005.
Unesco Expert Consultation: HIV – AIDS: HIV – AIDS and Trafficking, Bangkok, 19. –21.09.2005
Seminar on Human Biobanking, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 17.09.2005.
Conference on International Collaborative Research and Health Ethics (NIH/EC/ Ministry of Health), Jakarta, 29.11. -1-12-2005.
1. ASEAN-EU LEMLIFE Conference, Bangkok 2004: Ethical and legal debate about stem cell research in Europe
The DR MGR Medical University, Chennai, (India): Ethical aspects on stem cell research: An international comparison (February 2004, lecture)
Ethics conference on “The Ethics of Intellectual Property Rights and Patents“, April 23-24, 2004, Warsaw: Discussion on Patenting in Germany: Ethical and Legal Aspects
HGM2004, HUGO Worldcongress, Berlin April 2004, Individual property rights, communities and benefit sharing (Simon), abstract
4. th International Conference of Bioethics, Biotechnology, Family and Community, University of Chungli, 24. – 26.06.2004, Chungli (ROC): Informed consent and the model of benefit sharing
HGM2003, HUGO Worldcongress, Cancun (Mexico): The Legal debate about stemcell research in Europe
BioT-ethics Seminar, Abbeye de Cherney, France: The Zambia Case: Ethical considerations
2002International Bioethical Conference: „Conflict of interest and its significance in science and medicine”, Warzaw (Poland): Modern Medicine and Biotechnology. An conflict of interest?
Conference “Kostenreduzierung durch Umweltmanagement”, Handelskammer Hamburg (Germany): Rechtskataster – Vermeidung von Kosten durch Rechtssicherheit
International Conference of Bioethics: Ethics, Legal and social issues in human pluri-potent stem cells experimentations, National Central University, Chungli (Jhongli, ROC (Taiwan)): Does new biotechnology and medicine need another type of bioethical input or is it an ethical conflict of interest?
Ministry of Health (Seminar), Bangkok, Thailand: Gene data banking,
Genetic Testing and Insurance: Legal perspectives, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humangenetik, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Humangenetik, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Medizinische Genetik, Deutsches Humangenomprojekt, Leipzig 29.9. – 2.10.2002
2001University of Madras, Chennai, International conference on Development Paradigm: Social Transformation and Gender performance, University of Madras, Chennai (India): Ethical aspects of human and animal cloning.
Beijing Symposium on Feminist approaches to Bioethics, Beijing (Peoples Republic of China): Female Input: A new Quality in Bioethics?
Kaunas County, Lithuania: The European Environmental Law.
Workshop EUROGENE Project, Alnarp (Sweden), Aspects of Micro and Human Biobanks in Germany
2000Workshop EUROGENE Project, Oiras (Portugal):Aspects of Micro and Human Biobanks in Germany, Mai
Tsukuba Roundtable, University of Tsukuba Science City (Japan): Social Risks and Social Perception of Animal Cloning, October.
The MGR Medical University, Chennai, (India) , Xenotransplantation.
Medical Mission Hospital, Chennai (India):The right of the medical assisted procreation, organ transplantation, genetic testing and human research.
University of Madras, Public Administration, Chennai (India): The German Education System.
University of Madras, Public Administration, Chennai (India): Implementation of an Environment Management System, University of Madras, Legal Department
University of Madras, Chennai (India): Ethical and Legal aspects of Preimplantation Diagnosis.
Chancen im Internet, Lüneburger Umwelttag, 26.05.2002
University of Madras, Department of Social Sciences (India): Niklas Luhmann
1999University of Madras, Chennai (India): Ethical and legal aspects of Xenotransplantation
International Conference Loyola College, Chennai (India): Legal aspects of PID in Europe
3. Symposium Xenotransplantation, Xenotransplantation: Ethische Aspekte
- Internationales Symposium (Kick off Veranstaltung zum EU – geförderten Projekt): Xenotransplantation: Legal, ethical, economic and social aspects. An international comparison, University Lueneburg, 03
IBA – Congress, Tokyo 1998: Ethical and legal aspects of Animal Cloning